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Selection of electronic components

Relying on a strong professional and technical team, Huabi Laboratory has established a leading failure analysis case database in the industry, with rich resources of testing instruments and equipment. Huabi mainly uses X-Ray, SAM and HASS to screen batch electronic components, from which we can distinguish genuine and refurbished components, genuine and imitation products, high-performance products and inferior products, and provide the basis for component suppliers and sellers to distinguish genuine and fake components.


Detection process

Unboxing Picture
Counting Quantity
Visual Inspection
Nondestructive Testing
Surface Mark Testing
Datasheet Comparison
Functional Testing
De-cap Comparison Log
Confirmation The Lead on the Electronic Pin
MSL Checking And Verification
Welding Property Testing
Environmental Testing And Analysis


Benefits generated

Guarantee the reliability of components, select components with good internal structure quality, good welding quality of all kinds of solder joints, non-lamination packaging and other good process quality.

Identify and eliminate defects and hazards in manufacturing, process and materials.

Distinguish between genuine and reprocessed products, genuine and imitated products, good quality products and defective products.

Expose the unsafe factors that may arise in the course of use and avoid greater losses.


Technical advantage

Complete equipment, professional research team, strong scientific research foundation, support and support.

Provide a full supply chain solution for component suppliers, laboratories and end users.

Service capability covers component inspection, spot shipment, sampling, delivery and delivery.

Provide fast and efficient screening and inspection services, emergency service completed on the same day, normal business three days to complete.


Service mode

Billing according to test items